Sunday 9 November 2008


Welcome to GAFA - the Glossop Action for Allotments society blog page.The society has gathered together to encourage the local council to address the shortage of allotments that are available to the public. With an estimated population of over 30,000 there are only 7 allotments that can be sourced through the local council.
Current legislation and guidance on allotment provision is summed up by Iain Wright, MP on behalf of the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government:“Section 23 of the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908 places a duty on local authorities (except for inner London boroughs) to provide allotments where they perceive a demand for them in their area. Furthermore, ‘Planning Policy Guidance Note 17: Planning for Open Space, Sport and Recreation, 2002′ requires local authorities to make provision for all types of open space and requires them to undertake robust assessments of local needs and audits of existing open space, to establish standards for new provision. By implementing the guidance in PPG 17, local authorities should make adequate provision for allotments.” (Hansard 6 May 2008 : Column 737W)Allotments combine physical activity with social interaction, learning and skills, recycling and the production of cheap and healthy food. They contribute to the local informal economy and to the principles of environmental sustainability and biodiversity.
The Government and local council is also keen for us to reduce landfill and reduce our carbon footprint - what better way than to recycle as much household waste as possible as compost and to grow runner beans within walking distance of your front door rather than importing them from Kenya!And what a great education for those with children as well as tackling childhood obesity by encouraging a homegrown and healthy diet!We shall be petitioning the local council, (watch this blog for more information) and will be trying to assert our rights under the Allotments act for space to be granted for the growing of produce.

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